Title | Inauguration of new CEOs (Lee Jung-joon, Lee Kee-geun) |
Date | 2019-09-16 |
SNTEK’s new CEOs (Lee Jung-joon and Lee Kee-geun) had their inauguration at the head office of SNTEK BM on September 11, in which more than 150 employees participated.
At the ceremony, Lee Jung-joon, the new CEO, said, “I will grow our business by conducting predictable management activities based on our core capabilities. As communication with employees is the most important, I will always listen to your opinions and solve grievances through regular meetings with you.” Lee Kee-geun, the new CEO, also said, “We will focus on cost reduction and organizational innovation for better corporate operation. A project aimed at turning a profit is currently in preparation. I hope your sincere efforts and commitment.” [Jin-kook Kim, senior manager of Management Support Office under the Management Innovation Div., jgkim0703@sntek.com ] |